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A freight train and an express train leave towns..


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RASTA aktiv_icon

16:12 Uhr, 23.05.2023

guys, is this correct?. Vielen Dank.

A freight train and an express train leave towns 390km apart, traveling toward one another. The freight train travels 30km per hour slower than the express train. They pass each other 3 hours later. What are the speeds of the freight and express train respectively?.

Freight data
distance =x kms apart from the other train
time =3 hrs
Speed =dt=x3 kmph

Express data
distance =(390-x) kms apart from the other train

time =3 hrs (the time it takes for them to pass each other)

Speed= dt=390-x3

Speed of express - Speed of freight =30 kmph

390-x3-x3=30 mph



x=150 km this is the distance that the freight train has traveled
S=dt=x3=1503=50 kmph (rate of speed of the freight train)

then to find distance for the express,
390-150=240( this is the distance that the express train has traveled

now to find the rate of the speed for the express
S=dt=2403=80 kmph

so the freight train was going at a rate of 50 kmph
the express train was going at 80 kmph.

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KL700 aktiv_icon

16:36 Uhr, 23.05.2023

Zum Vergleich meine Rechnung mit Einsetzen:

v1= Gschwindigkeit expresstrain, v2= Geschwindigkeit freight train




v1=80v2=50 jeweils in kmh

Ich denke, das ist leicht nachvollziehbar und vlt. etwas einfacher.
Frage beantwortet

RASTA aktiv_icon

18:50 Uhr, 23.05.2023

dasa gefallt mir!. Megacool! Vielen Dnake.